Drop Ins — Individual Sessions

Unwind and understand physical tensions, chronic pain, symptoms and their roots, and emotional content held in the body

You’ll feel more present and grounded, relieved of the aches and pains that brought you in, and have more freedom of movement.

massage and bodywork for anxiety, pain, chronic pain, TMJ dysfunction, IBS
light on bodywork for mental health, physical optimization, emotional wellbeing

Choose between online or in-person sessions, with the content of sessions personalized to your needs and hopes:

distance bodywork sessions and somatic therapy tools


Sessions are designed according to your hopes and needs, and may include:

  • Therapeutic yoga practices

    • Yoga Nidra, guided relaxation, meditation, breathing practices (pranayama) and breathwork, restorative yoga, yoga for trauma and trauma-sensitive yoga, strength and conditioning, mobility

  • Somatic practices and techniques

  • Heart-centered dialoguing that combines somatic therapy, Gestalt therapy, IFS, and inner-child work

CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, SomatoEmotional Release, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

In Person

Sessions focus on hands-on bodywork that blends CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy.

These modalities work with the CranioSacral system, viscera (organs) of the body, lymphatic system, emotions held in the body, injuries, and compensation patterns.

This advanced bodywork soothes and balances the nervous system, unwinds aches and frustrating symptoms, relieves (chronic) pain, and allows for understanding of symptoms and their roots.

light on bodywork for better digestion and grounding

Drop Ins are great if you want maintenance work or to get a taste of what it would be like to work together.

licensed massage and bodywork therapist in asheville, nc
light on advanced bodyworker with gentle touch

Are you ready to go more in-depth? There’s a transformational crucible ready for you.

Learn more about the modalities

  • CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is gentle touch that touches deep. CST, developed from Osteopathy, soothes the nervous system, unwinds adhesions in the delicate CranioSacral System (a primary and core system of the body), and relieves pain and tension throughout physical and physiological structures.

    This hands-on modality - a practice of deep listening to your body’s “inner treatment plan” - works with the body’s CranioSacral (cranium to sacrum) system, the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms, cerebrospinal fluid, “energy cysts” held throughout the body, and SomatoEmotional Release.

    People tend to leave feeling profoundly relaxed, deeply reset, and with insights or breakthroughs in their physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual health.

  • Developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly - MD, DO, LMT - Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) relieves the lymphatic system of build-up, toxins, and stagnation by working directly with the lymph’s movement.

    Because the lymphatics are always involved whenever there is an injury, LDT helps with recovery from injury, inflammation, and toxin build-up. Further, the lymphatics are the body’s waters of transformation, aiding in vital functions including immune response.

  • Discovered and developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, who later created the Barral Institute, Visceral Manipulation (VM) works with the viscera/organs to release tension held in surrounding ligaments, tendons, tissues, and in the organ itself. While symptoms may present locally (i.e., tension around the organ itself), pain patterns often present elsewhere in the body - for example, tension around the liver often presents as pain around the right shoulder.

    Because pain and tension felt at the surface of the body is often a spiraling-out effect of tension held deeper in the body (like a rose blooming), VM helps to unwind the root-tension patterns held in deeper layers of the body by working with the organs themselves.

  • Therapeutic Dialoguing is effective both in hands-off, online/distance settings and in conjunction with manual therapy techniques.

    Therapeutic Dialoguing allows for unwinding of physical tension and chronic pain, emotional struggles, and mental loops. The main modalities used to address all of these systems of the body simultaneously are:

    Heart-Centered Therapy - developed by Alaya Chikly of the Chikly Institute - as well as techniques from Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Attachment, inner child work, internal parts work, and a deep understanding of the interweave of physical and emotional health.